Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Descent" to Pueblo

We have reaffirmed that there is no such thing as all down hill, regardless of the elevation profile on the map. We climbed and descended all day long. We met a nice gentleman from Switzerland, (Joe), heading west and we had a nice visit. He left from Washington, DC 6 weeks ago and is heading to Seattle. He quit his job at Addias to tour America for 3 months. We offered him a bed if he goes through Ontario. Part of the pannier caught in the rear derailer as we were coming into Pueblo after 52 miles and resulted in a broken chain and bent rear derailer. We were able to reair the chain and push the derailer fairly straight and limp to a bicycle shop where we met another guardian angel named "Vance" who happened to own Vance's Bicycle world. He not only replaced the chain - he totally retuned the bike and tightened the left side drive chain, straightened the rear derailer, and gave me a beer to drink as he instructed me on some of the finer points of bicycle repair. He did tell me that I did better than most as he did not have to go pick me up on the highway. The rockies are behind us and we are heading out into the plains and weird and unpredictable weather. Another great day to be together and to be on a bike.

1 comment:

  1. OOhh bob nice tan. we might have to get u some spray tan for ur head so it can match the rest of you. GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!!!!
